Writing & Speaking/EBS반디와 전화영어

[패턴]This mask strap is for you

Love_Myself_wBTS 2020. 10. 31. 22:37

20201031-Easy english


*(고마워라는 응답 후)별거아니야

Sure thing. 


*이거 너를위한 선물이야 

This mask strap is for you

= I got this mask starp for you


My daughter brought me this mask straps

that she made herself. 

제 딸이 마스크 스트렙이 


*주어가 직접만들다.

I made myself

He made himself

She made herself


*너 뭐 잘한다

She is good at that. 

You are good at that.


*안그래도하나 사려던 참이었어. 

(be about to 동사원형)

I was about to get one. 

= I was thinkg of getting one.


I was about to call you. 전화하려던 참이었어

I was about to go to bed. 자려던 참이었어


*정말 편리해요.

It's so handy

=It's so useful

=It's so convineint