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Writing & Speaking/EBS반디와 전화영어34

영어회화피드백_20210819 나는 커피대신 차를 마시기로 했어! I decide to drink a tea instead of coffee. = I will refrain myself from driking coffe. ---------------- I had a tea, I drank a lot of tea like water. *drink랑 쓸때는, cup없이 teaa만을 쓸 수 있음. ~will be worse~ 두번째 백신샷을 맞을 때 더 아플 수 있다는 표현을 할때, STAR가 표현한것. ------------------------ PLEASE STUDY THESE SENTENCES: 1. It’s sufficient sleep. BETTER TO SAY: You had sufficient sleep. 2. I decide.. 2021. 8. 19.
영어회화피드백_20210818 Q: There are not? A: No, there are not. Q: Are there? A: Yes, there are not Are they home? Yes they are Aren't they home? No, they aren't Yes, they are. 2021. 8. 18.
영어회화피드백_20210817 - 오늘 교정받은 문장들. depend사용 시 'on'을 쓰는것과, 's'를 붙이는 것을 명심하자. PLEASE STUDY THESE SENTENCES: BETTER TO SAY: 1 The weather is getting cool. The weather is getting cooler. 2 We have carrots less than before We produce less carrots than before. 3 The price of many things is getting high. The price of many things is going up. 4 It depends weather. It depends on the season. - 오늘 다뤄졌던 단어들 중 기억해야 할것. Import H.. 2021. 8. 17.
영어회와피드백_20210811 make friends I like making frineds. conservative. you make firends easily. social butterfly. introvert outgoing loner social bufferly I'm selective =. ====================== 1. Is there more correct expression? BETTER TO SAY: Is there any appropriate expression for it? 2. You are friendly other people. BETTER TO SAY: You are friendly to other people. 3. I am not keep in touch with them. BETTER T.. 2021. 8. 11.