EBS반디2 [최모스와 함께하는 오늘의 문장] 내 차 기름이 다 떨어졌어! 내 차 기름이 다 떨어졌어! The car has run out of gas! [내문장] The car oil run out. =>[Ray's expression] The car has run out of gas. *the car를 we로 바꾸어도 괜찮음. => 어제, 썬크림을 거의 다썼다고 표현하고 싶었는데, I has run out of my sunscreen. 로 했으면 됬겠군? - we ran out of juice (X) => juice는 건전지가 소모될 때에 대해서 많이 쓴다고 함 => My phone ran out of juice라고는 쓴다고함. - The gas of car라고 하는것은 어색함. The sofa of my living room 느낌. - 차 기름은 oil이라고 하지 않고, .. 2021. 8. 3. [패턴외우자]I am in my early thirtes. Start English A: My granpa has started learning Itaian, even thuogh he is in his early eighites Isn't that amzaing? B: Wow That's incredible Why did he decide to do that? A: He says, learning foreign language helps delay dementia. B: Yeah, I think that I heard that, too 2020. 11. 4. 이전 1 다음