EASYENGLISH6 매일영어_We might want to make a specific plan! 우리는 구체적인 계획을 세워 놓는게 좋겠어 2020.11.12 내용요약 #패턴 We might want to~하는게 좋겠다 => We might want to make a specific paln! 우리는 구체적인 계획을 세워 놓는게 좋겠어 At least we should~ 적어도 ~는 해야지 => At least we should stop to eat fried food. 적어도 튀긴음식은 안먹어야지! That sounds scary. That's #문구 Set boundaries 경계를 놓다 stick to ~대로 하다 #표현 I don't like how that sounds. 난 그런말을 좀 별로야 #이번주 동사 work on + 무엇: 무엇이라는 일, 작업을 하다 what are you working on? 무슨 일 하고있어? work.. 2022. 2. 22. [패턴영어]why the heck dose he always~? 도대체 그는 항상 ~ 20201107 토요일 집들이대화 대화전문: A:I've never heard him speaking honestly B:I'll give you that Butr He is harmness. and He is nice of everyone. A:Why the heck dose he always exaggerate everything? B: I think he just wants attention. By the way, what can I get you for the party A: Just bring yourself. ------------------------------ 관련설명: I've never heard him speaking honestly 나는 그가 솔직하게 말하는 것을 한번도 본적이 없어.. 2020. 11. 7. [패턴]This mask strap is for you 20201031-Easy english *(고마워라는 응답 후)별거아니야 Sure thing. *이거 너를위한 선물이야 This mask strap is for you = I got this mask starp for you My daughter brought me this mask straps that she made herself. 제 딸이 마스크 스트렙이 *주어가 직접만들다. I made myself He made himself She made herself *너 뭐 잘한다 She is good at that. You are good at that. *안그래도하나 사려던 참이었어. (be about to 동사원형) I was about to get one. = I was thinkg of getti.. 2020. 10. 31. [패턴] All I was thinking was that~, 어떤생각밖에 안들더라고. All I was thinking was that~, 어떤생각밖에 안들더라고. 예문: All I was thinking was that I had to solve the problem All I was thinking was that I was hungry. 나의예문: All I was thinking was that I had to get out there. 거기서 벗어나야하는 생각밖에 안들더라고. That's so touching: 감동적이다~ 2020. 10. 21. 이전 1 2 다음